As I reflect on the many things I'm grateful for as we bring 2009 to a close, what really comes to mind is the wonderful movie I worked on this summer as a casting associate. Words can't convey how proud and honored I am to have worked on this amazing story, inspired by the life and legacy of Tyler Doughtie. Tyler battled brain cancer and his story will come to the big screen in "Letters To God", a tribute to Tyler and to all of the children who are battling and winning the war against cancer.
I try really hard not to ask "why me?", because as you will often hear people say, "why not me?" And it's true, why not me? I'm incredibly blessed to have lived my childhood years happy and healthy. There are children in this world who have never had a moment without pain. To that I say, why them? Tyler's story is sad yet inspiring. It gives you hope. Hope that even in your darkest hour, you are never alone and even after we're gone we have the power to inspire and lift up so many people.
There was a cast and crew screening last Sunday and I'm proud to say I almost made it through without crying. I pushed my tears back every time I felt them surface(I hate crying in public mainly because I'm such an ugly crier) What pushed me over the edge were the final moments just before the credits rolled...there's a tribute to cancer survivors everywhere and I am one of them, I am a SURVIVOR!! I'm honored to have been in such great company, yet it's moments like that, that bring it home. Cancer waged a war against me and I will never forget that. I live with it everyday as do many people. Seeing a side by side picture of me during treatment and me in the present day was a journey in itself. I instantly went back in time and remembered that just two years ago my world had been rocked to its core. Two years ago, I joined a group of people with whom I will never forget, my new family.
For me working on this film is another sign that there is a plan for all of us. When I left my job at Nickelodeon three years ago, I would have never guessed that I would have been given the opportunity to work on such an amazing film. A film to which I could relate to on so many levels. A film that will make sure that one little boy's battle and legacy will on.
"Letters To God" In theaters April 9th 2010
Usually I avoid sad films like the plague, but I really want to see that! It'll be so cool to see your name in the credits [I hope!] Although, like you, I am a horrid crier, and as I know I will cry, better to see it at home or with a bag over my head ;o)
You are amazing Kia. Just 2 seems a blink of the eye, and yet it also seems an eternity. I feel so lucky we met. We would have managed without one another I am sure, but SO much better to do this together.
Yo sister, go sister!! ;o)
I can't wait to see the film. Please be sure to let us know when it gets released.
I hope you don't mind that I put a link to your blog on mine.
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