Sunday, February 22, 2009

Checkin in and hoping you're all well...

Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, my dad is still on the road to recovery and things are moving along nicely. I never had any doubt that he wouldn't be okay, something even I have a hard time believing considering all that I have been through. I sometimes sit in amazement and in awe of all the wondeful places and people you can draw strength from when you need it most.

Since my dad was doing so well and my aunt was also there as a support for my mom, I was able to spend a little time with my BFF or Best Friend Forever as the kids call it...just trying to stay young and current for as long as I can:) You may remember my BFF from a previous blog, she's pregnant with her first baby and she had quite a time telling me her good news.

I've been handling her pregnancy pretty well up until now, I haven't caught very many glimpses of that GREEN EYED MONSTER they call jealousy, which is a true testiment to my belief that we are all where we should be in life. I wasn't sure what seeing her and her growing belly would be like, but I knew it was something I couldn't avoid forever. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. Sure I had a couple of moments where I wished it were me complaining about not feeling like myself or the standard aches and pains that come along with being pregnant, but even more than that I find myself wishing that I could just go back to the time before Ovarian Cancer invaded my life, that is something I'll never get passed. I would have taken any magic potion or pill and paid any amount of money if I knew that it would prevent me from getting cancer.

But that's not the case and since we can't go back in time, I'll just keep on keepin on...trying my best to stay busy and productive, a challenge that I'm trying really hard to conquer. My next 3-month check up is coming up in a few weeks. It's amazing how fast time flys when you're having fun:)


test said...

oh Kia - you make my heart break - but you will be the best 'auntie' and friend to all the children in your life. Like me. And it's good.

So glad your Dad is doing well - again, love from us to him...and you of course! :o)

Anonymous said...

Kia- this is one post that made the tears drop. You have been great through my complaints, nerves, joy, and tears of the pregnancy. I know it can be hard at times, and there are moments where I wish I can switch places with you.

I never understand why things happen the way they do. I wondered if God was playing a trick by giving me something I never wished for and planned on having. Then there are times I count it as a miracle and try not to question and enjoy.

I don't know what my struggle (besides the ones you know of) is going to be in the future, but I hope I handle it with as much grace and love as you have shown.

Thanks for being my BFF.