Thursday, December 6, 2007

Diagnosis...Ovarian Cancer

October 1, 2007...diagnosis...Ovarian Cancer...Stage 2.

How did I go from a seemingly healthy 33 year old to 8 treatments of chemotherapy, once every 21 days. They're not kidding when they say that nothing is guaranteed...your life can change in an instant.

All I can say is THANK GOD for my GYN. upon going in for a routine exam, he thought he felt what appeared to be a fibroid tumor. Fibroid's as most woman know are usually benign tumors, if they're not bothering you...they're left alone. My doctor decided that he couldn't be sure of what was going on, it would be best if I came in for an ultrasound in a few weeks.

Fast forward: ultrasound day...Doctor: There's a mass on your ovary. It's about 13cm. It's a pretty good size, you don't feel that? Kia: Nope, I don't feel anything...only when you're pressing down on me! Doctor: Don't be alarmed but I'm going to refer you to a gynecologic oncologist, not because you have cancer(uh huh) but because he's the best at getting these type of things out...

Okay-cue panic...I'm totally freaking out, trying to compose myself before I get home. My husband asked me how the ultrasound went, I couldn't get one word out without balling...full on CROCODILE tears...

Fast Forward: Surgery to remove pelvic mass, which appeared to be coming from the right ovary.

I awake from surgery only for my husband to tell me that I have cancer. I saw his mouth moving, but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying. CANCER? No one thought it was cancer, of course they give you all possibilities...but even my gyn onc. was pretty sure we weren't looking at Cancer. Based on my age and was sure to be a nasty fibroid.

God, please let this be a dream...please let this be a dream...that's all I said to myself...please let this be a dream.

No such luck, thing's have been moving full speed ahead since then...and I've only just begun...

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