Okay, my parents always told me that race, politics, and religion were pretty much off limits when it comes to topics of conversation. Why? Because those are three of the most controversial issues you can broach. I generally live by this rule of thumb, but when I don't I'm pretty aware of who my audience is and how to navigate the conversation so as to get my opinion across without thoroughly pissing someone off or completely alienating someone who has the potential to become a lifelong friend.
I say all of this because, last week I had dinner with a few friends and of course the conversation landed on the state of our healthcare or lack thereof. I know you're probably thinking that I ride around in my teal dress and bat mobile on a crusade to save the world, making sure that each and every person I come across understands the importance of having QUALITY & AFFORDABLE healthcare. Well I don't...I try and hit you with it when you least expect it and again since I grew up knowing what and what not to say I'm always aware of my surroundings. So on this particular evening, surrounded by good friends I felt comfortable addressing the issue especially because one of my friends has no insurance because he's a freelance filmmaker and my other friend spent a year paying out of pocket for cobra as her and her husband were both unemployed, costing hem about $800.00 a month. Who can afford that?
As we sat there chatting about how ridiculous it is that my filmmaker friend doesn't have coverage and about what would happen to him should something serious occur, our waitress who clearly didn't get the race-politics-and religion are off limits memo, chimes in with her opinion. We're all entitled to our opinions, but know your boundaries...that's all I ask. Apparently she grew up in Europe or Canada, somewhere where there's universal healthcare. She proceeded to tell us how there shouldn't be universal healthcare and she shared her thoughts why. Something about an issue on her arm that took forever to be looked after as a kid, the end result being a scar or something. I don't know, I kind of tuned her out the moment she decided it was okay for her to share her opinion. I politely told her that, I'm not sure what the answer is but I do believe we need reform. I also told her that not one system is perfect, but it beats a blank which is what we have right now.
When you lack healthcare coverage, the phrase "Early Detection" has no meaning. If you can't afford to go to the doctor for check-ups, odds are you won't catch whatever ailment you have in a timely manner, thus decreasing your chances of a successful cure. Yes I know that there are clinics and government agencies that can point you in the direction for a free check-up, but what about the follow up? How do you begin to navigate your local government to figure out where to go and what the process is? Oh and when you get there, sometime between waiting for hours just to get seen and being treated like you're less than human...maybe just maybe you'll see a doctor who cares and not one who's underpaid and under appreciated.
What's the definition of reform? I'm still not clear...