Monday, December 1, 2008

All in due time...

I'm back from my holiday "hiatus". I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...I believe I brought back a cold from up north...I'm so not use to wearing coat's and going back and forth from hot to cold. It's either a cold or really bad allergies:)

I'm getting ready to go to the Dr.'s office shortly, I have an appointment to get my CA125 drawn(blood-test used as a tumour marker to gage the presence of cancer in your body). Next week is my 3 month check-up, so we have to have those number's in before I see the doctor. My check-up is looming over my head, yet I'm not really nervous about it...I'm probably more anxious than nervous. I'm ready for him to say keep doing what you're doing and I'll see ya in 3 months!!

It's funny, I was talking with a friend today and she made mention of how crazy it was that my life was now filled with Dr.'s appointments and such...It reminded us of how quickly life can change. If it's one thing I've learned from my experience with cancer is that we're resilient. We can adapt to any situation and in time it can become a seamless part of our lives and our day to day routines...At the time that new things are presenting themselves in our world and change becomes feels like something that is so foreign could never become so routine. Yet it does...sure there are days when you still wonder when you made that left turn and got off course...but for me there are many more days when I realize that it's all par for the course...



Glynis said...

Hey Kia. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog! I am so impressed my dear with the way you are 'making good' from your situation. I totally agree with what you said on an earlier blog about the 'walking a mile in the shoes' scenario. Nobody knows those roller coaster emotions unless they've been there.
My first 3 month checkup is in February but in Canada they don't do the CA125 before which is odd to me. I mean, what are they going to do at the check-up? Oh well, I guess I will find out.
I am praying that all will be well with you, Kia, at your check-up next week. You go girl. It sure sounds like you are an inspiration to many - from little nursing students to cancer survivors! Hang in there- you inspire me everytime I read your blog. Keep writing. Hugs...

test said...

Correct again babe! Amazing how hospital appointments become the norm - I just made the appointment for my bloods in January, as I have the 2nd 3 month check then - I am like you, certain it'll be another 'Go away you're ok' 3 monthly remark.

Still, it is a bit nerve wracking! Good luck, I know you'll be fine, but I'll be thinking of you anyway. :o)